Learn how to integrate ESG criteria into your operational and investment decisions.

1.Introduction to European Sustainable Finance Regulations


Provide an in-depth understanding of European regulations governing sustainable finance, enabling participants to navigate this complex regulatory landscape with confidence.

2.Dual Materiality: Impact and Financial


Equip participants with the skills needed to analyze and assess the environmental and social impacts (impact materiality) as well as the financial implications (financial materiality) of a company's activities.

3.In-depth Sector Analysis


Develop expertise in sector analysis, enabling us to identify opportunities and risks in different sectors from an ESG perspective.

4.Stakeholder engagement and ESG Action Plan


Train participants to develop effective stakeholder engagement strategies and robust ESG action plans.

5.Simulations and Case Studies


Provide hands-on experience in ESG performance assessment through various simulations and case studies.

6.Physical Climate Risk Assessment


Assess and mitigate physical climate risks associated with sector activities, taking into account their geographical location and claims history.

1 day / training

1050 € EXCL.

-20% off from 8 participants

Free access to the tool for 3 months for case studies